Alex Nelson

UX Designer
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Favourite Quote: "Failure is a trick of the light"
Matt Haig

Alex is a Junior Digital Designer and collaborates with clients to design digital prototypes, assisting the Lead Designer in large web projects and creating internal assets.

After growing up in Shrewsbury Alex carried out a degree in Art & Design at Birmingham School Of Art, to then start an internship with the Radical Childcare Project at Birmingham Impact Hub. From here she built a network as a freelance Headshot/Portraiture photographer and while still in Shrewsbury she was offered a role as a designer for large Scale Exhibitions & Events but due to the pandemic the events sector took a hit and allowed her the time to pause and reconsider the trajectory of her career.  From here she decided to enroll in a Masters Degree At the University Of Leeds in Design (Interactive & Digital), on completion she joined Medico!

Alex is really terrible at skateboarding but seems to keep doing it, as well as lots of reading and cooking alongside various musical instruments (forthcoming attempt at Bass guitar).

Ideal dinner party guests:

Viola Davis

Antoni Porowski

Matt Haig

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